B.A. and specialization in Business Law from PUC/SP, LLM in Financial and Capital Markets Law from Insper Direito
Professor at Insper Law in the LLM course in Financial and Capital Markets Law;
Member of the Insper Law Council;
Visiting Professor at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) in Financial and Capital Market Regulation;
Guest lecturer at the Saint Paul Business School in various extension courses;
Author of the book “A Responsabilidade dos Administradores de Fundos de Investimento no Novo Código Civil”;
Co-author of the book “Aspectos da Arbitragem Institucional – 12 anos da Lei 9.307/96 – A Arbitragem e sua Aplicabilidade nos Contratos de Adesão: A Proposal for the Financial System”;
Co-author of the book “Brazilian Business Law – Advances and Setbacks – A tribute to 15 years of Insper Law”;